Friday, August 6, 2021

Closing Time Blues


Closing Time Blues


G                                  D

It's getting late in the evening.


Last call for liquor and wine.


Looks like it's time to be leaving.


Must be about closing time.



         C                                    G

Then lock up the doors and sweep up the floor.


Looks like the good times are through.

            C                             G        Em

But the jukebox keeps on playing.

D                                                 G

[Those] mean old closing time blues.


G                                                D

Some folks got nothing to go home to.


Four walls and nothing to say.


They sit all night on their bar stool.


Just drinking their paychecks away.




G                        D

Neon signs fall silent


Rattle of glasses is gone


Waitress counts out her tip jar.


And quietly sings right along.





I     V

V    I

I     V

V    I



V    i


Iv    I    VI    V