Tuesday, June 1, 2021

My Log Cabin Home In The Sky

 Log Cabin Home in the Sky  -  Mike Heron  (The Incredible String Band)
A​​​​​  D​​​    A
All around this wide country the winter it has now begun
Now is the time to slip away from the California sun
​A​​​​​​​  D​​​     A
To a place where a man can be free as the wind / As wild as the huskies’ cry
         A​​​ D​​​  A​E​A
Now winter is nigh let us fly to my log cabin home in the sky
​A​​​​​     D​​​    A
With snow piling all round the door, and many a log on the stove
Where the chickadee’s singing a comforting song
I’ll show you it’s you that I love
   A​​​​​​​             D​    ​​   A
O let the wolves howl, they won’t find us there /By a soft oil lamp we’ll lie
​A​​​ D​​​ A ​E​A
Now winter is nigh let us fly to my log cabin home in the sky
Now there comes a time to every man
​      D​​​​​A
When he must turn his back on the crowd
When the glare of the lights gets much too bright
​    E
And the music plays too loud
​   A​​
When a man must run from the deeds he has done
    D​​​​    A
Recalling those days with a sigh
​A​​​ D​​​ A​E​A
Now winter is nigh let us fly to my log cabin home in the sky