Anytime Eddy Arnold
recorded by Eddy
written by
Herbert Lawson
DAny B7 time you're feeling E7 lonely
Any A7 time you're
feeling D blue
Any G time you feel
down D hearted
That will E7 prove your love
for me is A7 true
DAny B7 time you're thinking E7 bout me
That's the A7 time I'll be
thinking of F#7 you
So any B7 time you say you E7 want me back again
That's the A7 time I'll come
back home to D you
Any B7 time your world
gets E7 lonely
And A7 you find true
friends are D few
Any G time you see a D rainbow
That will E7 be a sign the
storm is A7 through
D Any B7 time will be the E7 right time
Any A7 time at all will F#7 do
So any B7 time you say you E7 want only my love
That's the A7 time I'll come
back home to D you